
  • Nicu Dumitrascu University of Oradea


Capitalism, Ideology, Identity Crisis, Orthdox Church, Church-State Politics, Secular Society


In this paper the author shows whether or in what manner the Romanian Orthodox Church influences social relations in the contemporary world, where anti-religious activism prevails, alongside maximal liberalism and ideological intolerance. The Church proposes models that change the secular mentality of post-modern individuals and contributes to the improvement of the moral climate of society. The article examines the relationship and limits of collaboration between Church and State, religious and secular power, renewal of the Orthodox Church, its dialogue with intellectuals, and the criticism that comes from the followers of religious syncretism, often confused with ecumenism, the identity crisis of new generations and the moral relativism of civil society, and the use of technology and digital communication. The scientific and technological progress has not brought social and emotional balance to human being, but spiritual alienation. The Orthodox Church should rethink the manner of communicating with people in such a way that, without renouncing its own identity, it promotes a moralizing and brotherly spirit in modern society.


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How to Cite

Dumitrascu, N. (2020). THE ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH, MORALITY, AND POLITICS. Journal of Dharma, 45(3), 375–390. Retrieved from