RETHINKING RECONCILIATION: Healing of Memories in Transylvania


  • Nicu Dumitrașcu DVK


Dialogue, Ethnicity, History, Hungarian, Language, Majority, Minority, Nation, People, Romanian, Transylvania


The author discusses the relationship between the Hungarian minority (mostly Reformed) and the Romanian majority (Orthodox) in today’s Transylvania, with a short reference to the situation when the minority become a majority in some areas. In European political debates interethnic relations are an extremely controversial issue and in the Romanian political debates, the theme of the relationship between majority and minority communities and their peaceful living together is brought to the foreground only on the eve of elections. The explanation lies in the Romanians’ nature itself, always oscillating between inconsistency and sacrifice. The current article proposes a way of mutual dialogue between Churches for promoting a good atmosphere of living fraternally for all people of Transylvania.

Author Biography

Nicu Dumitrașcu, DVK

Nicu Dumitraşcu, Professor of Patristics, Mission and Ecumenism at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology “Episcop Dr. Vasile Coman”, University of Oradea, Romania, gave lectures in Croatia, Finland, Belgium and Lebanon. His publications include articles in several journals and books, Christian Family and Contemporary Society (2014) with Bloomsbury T&T Clark; The Ecumenical Legacy of the Cappadocians (Collected Essays) with Palgrave Macmillan (2015), and Basil the Great: Faith, Mission and Diplomacy in the Shaping of Christian Doctrine (Routledge, 2018).


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Mircea Păcurariu, Istoria Bisericii Ortodoxe Române [The History of the Romanian Orthodox Church] vol. 2, Bucharest: EIBMBOR, 1981, 295-324.

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Ellis Cashmore, Dictionary of Race and Ethnic Relations, London/New York: Routledge, 2002, 97

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How to Cite

Dumitrașcu, N. . (2017). RETHINKING RECONCILIATION: Healing of Memories in Transylvania . Journal of Dharma, 42(2), 219–237. Retrieved from