Philosophical Investigations after Wittgenstein
Wittgenstein, God, Religious, Nature, Human, Existence, Blue Book, Community, Soul, Spirit, Mind, Life, Nurture And GraceAbstract
Wittgenstein once said: ‘I am not a religious man but I cannot help seeing every problem from a religious point of view.’In this paper I present a conception of human person: We are rooted in nature, formed by nurture
and sustained by God; positively we act upon the world, build up the community and move towards God. The methodology is Wittgensteinian, that of assembling reminders, criss-crossing the terrain, and providing an
Übersicht of the person from a religious perspective. I do not claim that this is a general thesis that philosophy can establish nor do I claim that this is the religious point of view that Wittgenstein himself held; rather this is
how Wittgenstein’s philosophical investigations stimulated me to thoughts of my own. This is, to use a Wittgensteinian expression, a form of life: how we live, move and have our being.
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