Benedict XIV and His Sacramental Polity on the Eastern Churches (1740-1758)

Part II


  • Maria Teresa Fattori


Authority of the Minister, Multiplication of Grace, Penance, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders, Matrimony


The author searched, in the first part of this article, into the method employed in the letter De Sacramentis, and exposed Benedict XIV’s systematic presentation of the sacraments for the Eastern Catholics. In this second part she discusses the authority of the minister and the multiplication of grace through the sacraments of penance, anointing of the sick, holy orders and matrimony. 

This essay, translated into English by George D. Gallaro, is an Italian contribution (Chiesa sacramentale e fede nei sacramenti nelle decisioni di Benedetto XIV sui cattolici orientali) of Dr. Fattori to the volume in honor of Giuseppe Ruggieri, TUTTO È GRAZIA, edited by Alberto Melloni and published by the Jaca Book of Milan in 2010.

Author Biography

Maria Teresa Fattori

Maria Teresa Fattori was born in 1970.  She has been a researcher for the Foundation for the Religious Sciences, John XXIII of Bologna, Italy, since 1994. Her university qualifications come from Bologna, Lyon and Pisa. She teaches at the University of Modena-Reggio Emilia and deals with the history of Church councils, the Roman curia in modern times and religious history. At present she is doing special research on Pope Benedict XIV treatises (1740-1758).


