Teologia e Disciplina dei Sacramenti della Iniziazione Cristiana nel CCEO - (1)
Natura dei Sacramenti, Essenza dei Sacramenti, carattere indelebile, Battesimo nelle altre Chiese, Funzione del PadrinoAbstract
Christian initiation is a unique, indivisible act that introduces man fully into the mystery of salvation. In Baptism man is freed from sin, is regenerated into a new life, he puts on Christ and is incorporated into the Church, the Body of Christ. In the Anointing of the Holy Myron the baptized is confirmed and he receives the seal of the Holy Spirit, given as a gift. Holy Eucharist is the fulfillment of Baptism and Chrismation which entails communion in the divine life and membership in the eschatological community. This bond of the three Sacraments means and expresses the ineffable unity of the Paschal Mystery, the close relationship between the mission of the Son, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the unity of the work of the Holy Trinity, which takes abode in the baptized. By means of the three sacraments of Christian initiation, the Triune God communicates his life fully to man and deifies him.