Some Current Latin Practices Concerning the Sacrament of Confirmation
An Occasion for Rapprochment of the Latin and Eastern Traditions
Sacraments of Initiation, Eastern Traditions, Baptism, Eucharist, Vatican II, EcumenismAbstract
The author briefly presents the "different practices" regarding the sacraments of initiation, especially confirmation, the order of its administration, age, etc., that were present in the Oriental and Latin Churches. She discusses to what extent the "restored order" of the administration of these sacraments, introduced, especially, by Vatican II, functios as an "ecumenical rapproachment" between the East and West. Celebrating Confirmation in between Baptism and Eucharist is more appropriate as the gift of the Holy Spirit received in its fullness better prepares and leads one to the reception of the Eucharist whereby one is fully joined to the Body of Christ. She concludes the study by presenting the "theological arguments" that justify the introduction of new changes.