From Collegiality to Synodality in Latin America


  • Rafael Luciani Boston College


CELAM, Church in Latin America, Collegiality, Ecclesiology, Medellín, Synodality, Vatican II


The creation of the Latin American Episcopal Council (CELAM) represented a unique reception of the Second Vatican Council, positioning the Latin American Church as a Source Church for today’s process of reforms. The General Conferences, hosted by CELAM, such as Medellín (1968), Puebla (1979), Santo Domingo (1992), and Aparecida (2007), cannot be reduced to mere texts. In the specific case of Medellín (1968), presented in this paper, the way in which this Conference proceeded gave rise to a spirit of convergence among bishops, priests, religious, and laypeople that took shape in the working method. This inaugurated a unique ecclesiality inspired by a collegial practice and completed by a Synodal Spirit that advanced the ecclesial model of People of God of the Second Vatican Council in Latin America. In this paper, we will present the key elements to understand how Medellín gave shape to a synodal style and practice, more environmental than thematized, that led to a new way of being Church in Latin America.

Author Biography

Rafael Luciani, Boston College

Rafael Luciani is a Venezuelan Lay Theologian. He holds a Doctorate in theology and a Licentiate in dogmatics from the Pontificia Università Gregoriana, a baccalaureatum in philosophy and in theology from the Università Pontificia Salesiana, and a Licentiate in education from the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello. He has been director of the School of Theology at the Jesuit Andrés Bello University in Caracas, where he is a full professor. He is currently professor extraordinarius at the Ecclesiastical Faculty of Boston College School of Theology and Ministry. A theological adviser to CELAM (Latin American Bishops Council) and to CLAR (Latin America Confederation of Women and Men Religious), and Coordinator of the Grupo Iberoamericano de Teología working for the reforms of the Church. Among his books is Pope Francis and the Theology of the People (Orbis, 2017). 


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Lumen gentium.

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How to Cite

Luciani, R. (2020). From Collegiality to Synodality in Latin America. Asian Horizons, 14(1), 151–166. Retrieved from