The Importance of Gaudium et spes for the Renewal of a Tradition Raphael Gallagher,


  • Raphael Gallagher Alphonsian Academy


MORAL THEOLOGIAN, Gaudium et spes, Tradition


Moral theologians are not restricted to the use of one particular
method of scientific enquiry. I am working within one of the
legitimate traditions, considering moral theology in terms of its
practicality and pastoral application. No moral theologian, I presume,
would wish to be non-pastoral. However, those who claim that being
pastoral is a determinative scientific component of the science need to
argue their case more cogently, less it be dismissed as merely pastoral
and therefore not quite up to the standard of real theology. There is
an emerging view that Gaudium et spes is the decisive conciliar locus
for theological reflection on moral issues in the light of the pastoral
scope of Vatican II.1 It is plausible to follow this line of thinking to
clarify how we can demonstrate the art of being pastoral as a moral

Author Biography

Raphael Gallagher, Alphonsian Academy

Raphael Gallagher is an Irish born Redemptorist. Ordained in 1969, he did postgraduate
theological studies in Germany, France and Italy. He taught in Ireland and
the United States between 1975 – 1988. He was assigned as an Invited Professor at the
Alphonsian Academy (Rome) in 1995. He has published widely, and has a strong
interest in fundamental moral theology, the history of moral theology and the
renewal of moral theology in the pastoral spirit of the founder of his Congregation,
Saint Alphonsus.


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How to Cite

Gallagher, R. (2013). THE ART OF BEING PASTORAL AS A MORAL THEOLOGIAN: The Importance of Gaudium et spes for the Renewal of a Tradition Raphael Gallagher,. Asian Horizons, 7(03), 476–490. Retrieved from