
  • Rafael Luciani Universidad Católica Andrés Bello of Caracas


Church Reform, Clericalism, Collegiality, Hierarchy, People of God, Primacy, Synodality


Hierarchy and ordained ministry must be understood in the light of the ecclesiology of the People of God. The juxtaposition of chapters two [People of God] and three [Hierarchy] of Lumen Gentium, led to a concentration of power and authority in the Hierarchy and contributed to the consolidation of a clericalized institutional culture. The need to situate Hierarchy within the People of God, as one more faithful, is fundamental for a synodal Church. Synodality offers the most adequate interpretative framework for understanding and reforming hierarchical ministry, and opens the way to overcome institutionalized clericalism. As a constitutive dimension of the Church, Synodality implies a new way of proceeding that needs to be learned, affecting styles of living, mentalities and structures. But, as Francis has reminded, it is impossible to think of an ecclesial conversion that does not include the active participation of all the members of God’s People, not only in processes of consultation, but also in decision-making, decision-taking and their execution at all levels, including Church governance.

Author Biography

Rafael Luciani, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello of Caracas

Rafael Luciani is a Venezuelan layman, with a doctorate in theology from the Gregorian Pontifical University and with post-doctoral research at the Julius Maximilians Universität in Germany. He is Full Professor at the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello of Caracas and Extraordinary Professor at the School of Theology and Ministry at Boston College. He serves as Expert for the Latin American Bishops Conference (CELAM) and the Latin American Confederation of Religious (CLAR). He is founder of the Ibero-American Theology Project and a member of the Peter & Paul Seminar for the Reform of the Church.


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“The socialization, the identification, the putting into words, the symbolic anticipation becomes something truly important only in the fabric of human existence through the mediation of the structures of acceptance, which are those relational elements that allow for the establishment, in and from the present, of creative linkage with the past for the sake of imagining and configuring the future.” Lluís Duch, Educación y crisis de la modernidad, Barcelona: Paidós, 1997, 27.

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Dario Vitali, “The Circularity between Sensus Fidei and Magisterium as a Criterion for the Exercise of synodality in the Church,” in Carlos M. Galli and Antonio Spadaro SJ, ed., For a Missionary Reform of the Church, 196–217.

Emile-Joseph De Smedt, The Priesthood of the Faithful, New York: Paulist Press, 1962, 89–90.

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On sexual abuse see Carlos Schickendantz, “Fracaso institucional de un modelo teológico-cultural de Iglesia Factores sistémicos en la crisis de los abusos,” Teología y Vida 60 (2019) 9–40.

Pedro Trigo, Concilio Plenario Venezolano. Una constituyente para nuestras Iglesia, Caracas: Centro Gumilla, 2009, 329.

Pedro Trigo, Concilio Plenario Venezolano. Una constituyente para nuestras Iglesia, Caracas: Centro Gumilla, 2009

Peter De Mey, “Church Renewal and Reform in the Documents of Vatican II: History, Theology, Terminology,” Jurist 71 (2011) 369-400

Peter De Mey, “Synodality as a Key Component of the Pontificate of Pope Francis: The Difficult Way from Theory to Practice,” in Mark D. Chapman and Vladimir
Latinovic, ed., Changing the Church. Transformations of Christian Belief, Practice, and Life, Switzerland: Palgrave MacMillan, 2020, 323–331.

Rafael Luciani, “La reforma como conversión pastoral y sinodal. Eclesiogénesis de una recepción conciliar,” Rafael Luciani, ed., Reforma de estructuras y conversión de mentalidades. Retos y desafíos para una Iglesia Sinodal, 173–202.

Rafael Luciani, “Lo que afecta a todos debe ser tratado y aprobado por todos. Hacia estructuras de participación y poder de decisión compartido,” Revista CLAR LVIII/1 (2020) 59–66.

Rafael Luciani, “Medellín como acontecimiento sinodal. Una colegialidad fecundada y completada,” Horizonte 50 (2018) 482–516. Also, Rafael Luciani, “From Collegiality to Synodality in Latin America,” Asian Horizons: Dharmaram Journal of Theology 14 (2020) 151–166.

Rafael Luciani, “Reforma, conversión pastoral y sinodalidad. Un nuevo modo eclesial de proceder,” Rafael Luciani, ed., La sinodalidad en la vida de la Iglesia. Reflexiones para contribuir a la reforma eclesial, San Pablo, Madrid 2020, 41–66.

Rafael Luciani, ed., La sinodalidad en la vida de la Iglesia. Reflexiones para contribuir a la reforma eclesial, Madrid: San Pablo, 2020, 293–328.

Ronaldo Muñoz, Nueva conciencia de la Iglesia en América Latina, Salamanca: Sígueme, 1974, 361.

Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. Final Report. Volume 16. Book 2, Commonwealth of Australia 2017, 616,

Sandra Arenas, “Ecclesial Extroversion. On the Reform in the Current Pontificate,” in Mark D. Chapman and Vladimir Latinovic, ed., Changing the Church. Transformations of Christian Belief, Practice, and Life, Switzerland: Palgrave MacMillan, 2020, 315–322

Serena Noceti, “What Structures are Needed for a Reform of the Church,” Concilium 4 (2018) 85–100; Joseph Komonchak, “People of God, Hierarchical Structure, and Communion: An Easy Fit?” in Canon Law Society of America, Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Convention (1998) 91–102.

Severino Dianich, Diritto e Teologia. Eclesiologia e canonistica per una riforma della Chiesa, Bologna: EDB, 2015, 123.

Sexueller Missbrauch an Minderjährigen durch katholische Priester, Diakone und männliche Ordensangehörige im Bereich der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz, Mannheim-Heidelberg-Giessen, September 2018, redaktion/Bereiche/missbrauch/MHG-Studie-gesamt.pdf
The Causes and Context of Sexual Abuse of Minors by the Catholic Church in the United States between 1950-2010, 87.91.92. Study done in 2002 by the John Jay College of Criminal Justice of City University of New York at the request of the U.S. Catholic Bishops’ Conference,

The complete interview was published here: “La unidad de la Iglesia en la lógica del Vaticano II. El cardenal Suenens contesta las preguntas de José Broucker,” El Ciervo 184 (June 1969) 5.

This is a phrase of Mons. De Smedt during the Council found here.Acta Synodalia Sacrosancti Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani II, 32 tomos, Ciudad del Vaticano: Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1970-99, 1/4, 143.

Venezuelan Bishops’ Conference, Documentos del Concilio Plenario Venezolano, CEV, Caracas, 2006

Yves Congar, True and False Reform in the Church, Minnesota: Liturgical Press, 2011, 153–154. Be it noted that the first edition of this work was published in 1950.

Yves Marie Congar, “Quod omnes tangit ab omnibus tractari et opprobari debet,” Revue historique de droit français et étranger 36 (1958) 210–259.




How to Cite

Luciani, R. . (2021). SITUATING COLLEGIALITY WITHIN SYNODALITY. Asian Horizons, 15(1), 34–55. Retrieved from