BIBLICAL FESTIVALS, Feast of Liberation: The Passover, Passover in the Old Testament, Ritual of the Passover, Celebration of the Passover, Passover in the New Testament, Ritual of the Passover Meal, Festivals of Harvest, Feast of the Unleavened Bread, Feast of Weeks or the Pentecost, Feast of Tents, Nature of this Feast, Festival of Atonement, Ritual of this Feast, Festival of the Hanukkah or Dedication, Feast of Purim, Lunar CalendarAbstract
Feasts and celebrations keep the human spirit happy and elevated from the material level of man's existence and brings him somehow to the divine sphere. It is such celebrations that break the monotony of human life and give man a foretaste of heavenly bliss. They help man to acknowledge the break-through of a transcendent God in his history. and thereby to come in closer contact with that benevolent God.
Mire.e Elied., The Sat:red and the Profane (N.Y.-1956), P. 1.
Mishnah: Pesehlm, ix. 5. 3. Cf. Roland de Vaux, Ancient lsreet, Its find Institutions, (London, 1961).
R. d, VIUX, op. cu., p. 490.
Antq.viii tv. 1. 6. QUilt. Conv. iv. 6.
V.F. Vineeth, "Religio-Cultural festivals of India", Journal Dharma,Vol. XII; No.2 (1987) j P. 136-137.