Gospel: Blessing to Cultures


  • Jacob Marangattu Samanvaya Theological College, Bhopal


Bible, Gospel, incarnation, blessing, human dignity, integration, hope, liberation, option for the poor, judicial process, historical sense.


The primary invitation of God to the whole of creation is to be in a blessed and happy state of existence. This primeval joy and happiness ordered by God was ruptured by human sin which shook the harmonious existence among the three matrices of reality: God, humans and the cosmos. But God entered into human history by incarnating as a cultural person to lead creation back to its original blessedness. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the divinely-devised blue print to assist humans in this regard. The article shows how cultures that accept the Biblical world view achieve a better record of value consciousness as well as progress in economic and scientific pursuits.




How to Cite

Marangattu , J. (2023). Gospel: Blessing to Cultures. Asian Horizons, 17(3), 387–401. Retrieved from https://dvkjournals.in/index.php/ah/article/view/4408