Migrants and Refugees: A Great Resource for Social and Economic Growth in Light of Pope Francis’s Teaching


  • Colman Okechukwu Nwokoro Marquette University Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA


Migrants, Refugees, Globalization, Politics, Humanity


To believe that everyone created by God bears a spark of Divinity should be a criterion to believe that no one is deficient of Divine gifts to engender human flourishing, social transformation, and economic development and growth. This is the position of Pope Francis when he drew the attention of the host communities and countries of migrants and refugees to their enormous potentials to help the society in his message of the 108th World Migrant and Refugee Day (Vatican, May 12, 2022). In light of this, Pope Francis believes that the situation and the condition that led people to be migrants and refugees did not deplete their God given talents, gifts, and potentials. To this end, he advises the host communities and countries to see them as a resource for building the economy and the future of their society. This is what this paper sets to advance, as I understand equally that anyone irrespective of his or her background, conditions, and status can drive human flourishing, social transformation, and economic growth and development. Thus, migrants and refugees should be respected by their host communities and hence, be given an opportunity to develop their potential as people with a common humanity. God never created anyone tabularized!




How to Cite

Nwokoro, C. O. (2024). Migrants and Refugees: A Great Resource for Social and Economic Growth in Light of Pope Francis’s Teaching. Asian Horizons, 17(4), 463–474. Retrieved from https://dvkjournals.in/index.php/ah/article/view/4378