
  • James F. Keenan Boston College, USA


Authoritative Regimes, COVID-19, Democracy Pandemic, Herd-immunity, Lockdowns, Popularists, Vaccinations


COVID-19 has revealed a variety of challenges to nation states around the world.This essay seeks to see what were the actual differences between democracies and authoritative regimes in responding to the diverse challenges.Matters of transparency and accountability are certainly more in evidence in democracy, but some believe that in health crises authoritative regimes are more efficient.Proposing ten theses this essay sifts through the data we can now claim as instructive measuring whether civil liberties are in fact conducive to public health.Democracies do noticeably well.Still, as vaccination distribution studies emerge, on the question of the most marginalized within nations and across the globe, we find neither governance structure predictably responsive.Rarely are the poor well served in health crises.

Author Biography

James F. Keenan, Boston College, USA

James F. Keenan, SJ, is the Canisius Chair, Director of the Jesuit Institute, and Vice-Provost for Global Engagement at Boston College. A Jesuit priest since 1982, he received a licentiate and a doctorate from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. He has edited or written 25 books and published over 400 essays, articles, and reviews. The founder of Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church (www.catholicethics.com), he chaired the international conferences in Padua (2006), Trento (2010) and Sarajevo (2018).In addition to Boston College, he has taught at Fordham University, Weston Jesuit School of Theology, John Carroll University, the Ateneo de Manila, Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram in Bangalore, and at his alma mater. He just completed A Brief History of Catholic Ethics that Paulist Press will be publishing in the months ahead.


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How to Cite

Keenan, J. F. . (2022). 10 THESES ON DEMOCRACY AND COVID-19. Asian Horizons, (1), 115–128. Retrieved from https://dvkjournals.in/index.php/ah/article/view/3730