
  • Virginia Rajakumari Sandiyagu Kristujyoti, Bangalore


Daughters of Zelophehad, Justice, Inheritance, Levirate Law, Leadership, Property Rights


Patriarchal societies are mostly regarded as conservative and rigid especially when it comes to the democratic rights of women. Women are habitually curtailed of free expression of speech and activity. Biblical texts are often cited to prove the point either in support of this claim or to prove the misogynic attitude of the author himself. However, the present study unearths a solid example of freedom of speech and expression of women, that too of young daughters of Zelophehad in claiming for their right to property. The study also highlights how open-minded the leaders were in the community headed by Moses to listen, to respect and uphold justice in the case of these young unmarried daughters. Ultimately the study throws a challenge that laws and rules are not stagnant, they are to be framed or reframed with the signs of the time.

Author Biography

Virginia Rajakumari Sandiyagu, Kristujyoti, Bangalore

Virginia Rajakumari Sandiyagu belongs to the Congregation of the Sisters of St Anne, Bangalore (SAB). She holds a Doctorate in Biblical Theology from the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium. Her doctoral thesis is published under the title  Women as Eyewitnesses to the Christian Kerygma: The Galilean Women in the Redaction of Luke: An Exegetical Study of Luke 8:1-3, KristuJyoti Research Series 2 (Bengaluru: Kristu Jyoti Publications, 2017).  She is on the teaching staff at Kristujyoti College, Bangalore, and is a visiting professor at various institutions.


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Access through Deen, All the Women of the Bible, 63.

Adolph L. Harstad, Joshua, Concordia Commentary: A Theological Exposition of Sacred Scripture, Saint Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 2004, 566.

Branch, “Zelophehad, Daughters of,” 913.

Bratcher and Newman, A Handbook on the Book of Joshua, 223.

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Mary J. Evans, Woman in the Bible, Exeter: The Paternoster Press, 1983, 23-24, 25-26.

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Moshe Meiselman, Jewish Woman in Jewish Law, New York: KTAV, 1978, 84-95; Judith Romney Wegner, Chattel or Person? The Status of Women in the Mishnah, New York: Oxford University, 1988, Chapters 2-7.

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Robert G. Bratcher and Barclay M. Newman, A Handbook on the Book of Joshua, New York: UBS Handbook Series, 1983, 192.

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Sebastian Kizhakkeyil, The Pentateuch: An Exegetical Commentary, Bandra, Mumbai: St Paul’s, 2009 (Revised Edition), 402.

Shemesh, “A Gender Perspective on the Daughters of Zelophehad,” 80-82, 83.

Sue and Larry Richards, Every Woman in the Bible, Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1999, 78, 79.

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The Talmud of Babylonia: An American Translation, trans. Jacob Neusner, Brown Judaic Studies 240, Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1992.

Virginia Rajakumari Sandiyagu, Women as Eyewitnesses in the Christian Kerygma: The Galilean Women in the Redaction of Luke An Exegetical Study of Luke: 1-3, KristuJyoti Research Series 2, Bangalore: Kristu Jyoti Publications, 2017, 300-305.

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Yael Shemesh, “A Gender Perspective on the Daughters of Zelophehad: Bible, Talmudic Midrash, and Modern Feminist Midrash,” Biblical Interpretation 15 (2007) 86.




How to Cite

Sandiyagu, V. R. . (2020). DAUGHTERS OF ZELOPHEHAD: STORY OF INHERITANCE AND INFLUENCE. Asian Horizons, 14(4), 988–1004. Retrieved from https://dvkjournals.in/index.php/ah/article/view/3631