
  • Scaria Kanniyakonil Paurastya Vidyapitham


Care Ethics, Emotional Maturity, Jesus the Pastor, Kerygmatic Model, Models of Pastoral Ministry, Moral Boundaries, Therapeutic Model


The role of the pastor is to help the faithful to make communion with God. In order to attain this goal, a pastor proclaims the word of God and celebrates the sacraments, and he also needs a good relationship with people. The Catholic Church has a deep theological and practical vision for pastoral ministry. However, during the course of the pastoral ministry, the pastor faces many moral issues. Consequently, there arises problems related to relationship, confidentiality, use of finance, respecting others, organization of church institutions, and execution of power. We propose Christian care ethics in pastoral ministry where Jesus Christ is the model who touched people psychically, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually at a deep level. This may help to provide the best approach in the pastoral ministry. Moreover, continual spiritual formation is necessary that directs and empowers an ethical pastoral life. Similarly, theological and psychological competence may support the pastor to form an excellent pastoral ministry.

Author Biography

Scaria Kanniyakonil, Paurastya Vidyapitham

Scaria Kanniyakonil, a priest of the archdiocese of Changanacherry, is a Professor of Moral Theology at Paurastya Vidyapitham, Oriental Institute of Religious Studies, and Rector of St Thomas Apostolic Seminary, Vadavathoor, Kerala, India. He was awarded doctorate in moral theology from the Catholic University Leuven, Belgium (2002). His works include: ed., Ethical Perspectives of the Eastern Churches (2004), Living Organ Donation and Transplantation (2005); ed., Bioethical Issues and the Family (2005); The Fundamentals of Bioethics: Legal Perspectives and Ethical Approaches (2007); Wait For Gods Call?: Catholic Perspective on Euthanasia (2011); ed., New Horizons in Christian Ethics: Reflections from India (2014), ed., Pastoral Challenges of Marriage and Family: Response from India (2015); ed. Bioethical Issues: A Catholic Moral Analysis (2017); ed., Sthree Mahatham Suriyani Parampariyathil (2020).


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How to Cite

Kanniyakonil, S. (2020). ETHICS IN PASTORAL MINISTRY. Asian Horizons, 14(2), 307–318. Retrieved from