Syriac Christian Theological Expositions


  • George Edayadiyil Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram


Syriac Christianity, Syriac Theology


The book Syriac Christian Theological Expositions is a collection of Syriac Christian Theological musings by Dr Thomas Kollamparampil, CMI. Theology developed in the Church on four foundational pillars: Sacred Scripture, Authentic traditions of the believing communities, Writings of the Fathers of the Church and Contextual interpretations stemming from these and from the life experiences and the sitz-im-leben of the believers. Theology as interpretation is always contextual and there is no one theology valid for all times and spaces.

Syriac Christian tradition, with its unique Semitic-Asiatic thought patterns, symbolic and typological modes of biblical exegesis and the meditative, insightful and descriptive theological reflections carries a great ancient resource that is yet to be unearthed. This is a necessary Eastern Christian ingredient for complementing the rational, analytical, abstract and definitive Greco-Roman theology.

 In Syriac Christian Theological Expositions, Thomas Kollamparampil opens a window to the variety of typical patterns of the early Syriac Christian theology. The polyvalence and polysemy of the symbols, types and figures with which Syriac theology interprets and transmits faith and opens the doors of mystical theological meditations adds beauty and depth to the Christian world view. It serves as a paradigm for various modes of theologizing, as symbols and types of scriptures and nature are ever dynamic and inspirational to all ages and peoples irrespective of their religious and cultural affiliations.

Thomas Kollamparambil, CMI, Syriac Christian Theological Expositions, Bengaluru: Dharmaram Publications, 2020. Pages: xi+192. ISBN: 978-81-945798-5-4


Thomas Kollamparambil, CMI, Syriac Christian Theological Expositions, Bengaluru: Dharmaram Publications, 2020. Pages: xi+192. ISBN: 978-81-945798-5-4




How to Cite

Edayadiyil, G. (2020). Syriac Christian Theological Expositions. Asian Horizons, 14(2), 555–556. Retrieved from



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