Quest for Agency in African and Indian Theologies and the Way Forward


  • Dhinakaran Savariyar Boston College


African Theology, Agency, Contextualization, Decolonization, Inculturation, Indian Theology, Interreligious Dialogue, Inculturated-Ethics, Sacramentality


African and Indian theologies share much in common and an important point of interface is their quest for ‘Agency’ in doing theology. Decolonization, contextualization and inculturation are some successful attempts by both that have attracted the attention of universal churches in so far as they have adequately represented their voices. This identity-seeking has been spearheaded by Laurenti Magesa in Africa and Michael Amaladoss in India. However, the journey ahead looks very promising because theologizing attempts are quite interdisciplinary today. Catholic theological ethics in both continents has redefined the approach by its distinct claim for ‘inculturation in ethics.’ Its emphasis on the role of culture in ethics or ethical formation has given a new focus to the search in both continents. In sum, the ‘Agency Question’ that unites both discovers its root in ‘inculturated Gospel’ especially by attributing sacramental value to cultural forms and expressions in their respective cultures.

Author Biography

Dhinakaran Savariyar, Boston College

Dhinakaran Savariyar is a Catholic priest of the Archdiocese of Madurai, Tamilnadu, India currently pursuing his PhD in Catholic Theological Ethics at Boston College, USA. He has published five books, four in Tamil and one in English. A regular contributor to many periodicals, he is interested in freelance writing too, especially by approaching social issues through the lens of ethical perspectives.


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Books and Articles

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How to Cite

Savariyar, D. (2020). Quest for Agency in African and Indian Theologies and the Way Forward. Asian Horizons, 14(1), 245–262. Retrieved from

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