Encouraging and Developing the Participative Bodies for a Synodal Church


  • Varghese Poothavelithara Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram


Code of Canon Law, Diocesan Councils, Diocesan Synod, Ecclesial Renewal, Eparchial Assembly, Lay Participation, Parish Councils, Participative Bodies, Pope Francis, Synodality


An effective means to become a synodal Church is to encourage and develop the participative bodies at the different levels of the Church. The first level is that of particular churches (dioceses/eparchies). Vatican II with its new ecclesiological vision invited the Church to a participative style and proposed to establish structures of participation. The initiations done by the post-conciliar documents to concretize the conciliar invitation and proposals were completed by the new Codes—CIC and CCEO. They made obligatory the establishment of the presbyteral council, college of consultors, and finance councils and recommended the establishment of pastoral councils. Several documents of the Apostolic See also have made references to these canonical bodies. While the importance of these bodies is acknowledged on one side, the canonical discipline and the ecclesiastical teachings have simultaneously placed limitations in the involvement and participative nature of these bodies. Pope Francis invites the particular churches to encourage and develop these bodies to exercise synodality in them. It is an invitation to transform these bodies as forums of honest speaking and sincere listening. Within the parameters of the existing canonical discipline, this article tries to indicate some orientations for the achievement of this transformation.

Author Biography

Varghese Poothavelithara, Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram

Dr Fr Varghese Poothavelithara is a Syro-Malabar Catholic priest belonging to the Major Archeparchy of Ernakulam-Angamaly. He was born in 1969 in Vaikom, Kerala and was ordained on 7 February 1996. He holds a doctorate in Oriental Canon Law from Pontifical Oriental Institute, Rome. He had his ministries as parish priest, secretary to the bishops, defender of bond, judge at the Metropolitan Tribunal, etc. in his archeparchy. At present he is serving as an assistant professor of Canon Law at the Institute of Oriental Canon Law, DVK, Bangalore and as notary at the eparchial tribunal of Mandya-Bangalore. He has published a few articles on canonical subjects. Email: vpoothaveli@gmail.com


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How to Cite

Poothavelithara, V. (2020). Encouraging and Developing the Participative Bodies for a Synodal Church. Asian Horizons, 14(1), 181–208. Retrieved from https://dvkjournals.in/index.php/ah/article/view/2873