Real Consideration, Complicated Integration


  • Frédéric Trautmann




Charity is one of the themes of moral theology to have benefited from a renewal in the twentieth century thanks to research by moralists convinced of the need to return to biblical and patristic sources of morality. Over the centuries, the charity has seen many hazards including, for example, Jansenism, the quarrel about the pure love, formalism… On the eve of Vatican II, moralists operated a homecoming of morality to regain the prominent place of charity as a virtue which places the human being in connection with the Trinitarian life. This theological renewal, marked by theologians such as Fritz Tillmann, Gustave Thils, Yves de Montcheuil, Jacques Leclercq, Odon Lottin, Philippe Delhaye and Bernhard Häring, take some distance with the moral of manuals “centred on venial or mortal sins to confess, and written for confessors who were asked to situate themselves as judges.“

Author Biography

Frédéric Trautmann

Frédéric Trautmann has a PhD in Catholic Theology from the University of Strasbourg, France (2011). His research interests are Ethics and Charity, Virtues, Pedagogy of faith, Scouting and Christian life. He is treasurer of the French ESCT section and member of the Association of Theologians for the Study of Morals (ATEM). He published recently: “The Place of Charity in Ethics at the Second Vatican Council“ (New Scholars), Asian Horizons 6/1 (2012), 186-189; La notion de charité au concile Vatican II, Artège, Perpignan, 2012.


B. Häring, La théologie morale. Idées maîtresses, Recherches Morales, Paris: Cerf, 1992.

J. Mahoney, The Making of Moral Theology : A Study of the Roman Catholic Tradition, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987.

J. F. Keenan, A History of Catholic Moral Theology in the Twentieth Century, From Confessing Sins to Liberating Consciences, London/New-York: Continuum, 2010.

P. d’Ornellas, Liberté, Que dis-tu de toi-même ? Une lecture des travaux du Concile Vatican II, 25 janvier 1959 – 8 décembre 1965, Saint-Maur: Parole et Silence, 1999.

F. Gil Hellin, Lumen Gentium. Constitutio dogmatica de Ecclesia Concilii Vaticani II Synopsis in ordinem redigens schemata cum relationibus necnon patrum orationes atque animadversiones, Città del Vaticano: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1995.

G. Alberigo, ed., Histoire du concile Vatican II (1959-1965), t. I : Le catholicisme vers une nouvelle époque. L’annonce et la préparation (janvier 1959-octobre 1962), E. Fouilloux, ed. fra., J. Mignon, V. Liard-Brandver, B. Lauret, transl., Paris/Louvain: Cerf/Peeters, 1997.

Archives of Funds Delhaye, n° 53, 16 ; cf. Saint Augustin, Commentaire de la Première épître de S. Jean, op. cit., 80 ; J. Gallay, “Dilige et quod vis fac. Notes d’exégèse augustinienne,“ in RSR 43 (1955).

Archives of Funds Delhaye, n°54-55, n°139 ; P. d’Ornellas, Liberté, 154-159 ; Ph. Delhaye, “Les points forts de la théologie morale à Vatican II,“ in StMor 24 (1986).

G. Alberigo, ed., Histoire du concile Vatican II (1959-1965), t. II : La formation de la conscience conciliaire. La première session et la première intersession (octobre 1962-septembre 1963), E. Fouilloux, ed. fra., J. Mignon, V. Liard-Brandver, B. Lauret, transl., Paris/Louvain: Cerf/Peeters, 1998.

K. Schelkens, ed., Carnets conciliaires de Mgr Gérard Philips, secrétaire adjoint de la Commission doctrinale, Texte néerlandais avec traduction française et commentaires, L. Declerck (intr.), IT XXIX, Leuven, Maurits Sabbebibliotheek Faculteit: Godgeleerdheit/Uitgeverij Peeters, 2006.

G. Alberigo, ed., Histoire du concile Vatican II (1959-1965), t. IV : L’Église en tant que communion. La troisième session et la troisième intersession (septembre 1964-septembre 1965), E. Fouilloux, ed. fra., J. Mignon, V. Liard-Brandver, B. Lauret, transl., Paris/Louvain: Cerf/Peeters, 2003.

AS V/1, 584, au sujet du n°29. Ce projet de texte est adressé aux Pères le 19 juillet 1963 ; cf. G. Alberigo, ed., Histoire du concile Vatican II (1959-1965).

Cardinal J. De Barros Camara, in DC 60 (1963), 1585-1586 ; cf. AS II/3, 592-593. Cardinal F. Quiroga y Palacios, in DC 60 (1963), 1586 ; cf. AS II/3, 600-602. P.-E. Léger, in DC 60 (1963).

Cardinal R. Silva Henriquez, in DC 60 (1963), 1583, cf. AS II/3, 370 ; Mgr L. Morstabilini, in DC 60 (1963).

G. Philips, L’Église et son mystère au IIe Concile du Vatican, Histoire, texte et commentaire de la Constitution Lumen Gentium, t. I, Paris: Desclée, 1967.

G. Philips, L’Église et son mystère au IIe Concile du Vatican, 41 ; cf. DC 60 (1963), 1590.

J. Desclos, Libérer la morale. Christocentrisme et dynamique filiale de la morale chrétienne à l’époque de Vatican II, Montréal/Paris: Éditions Paulines/Médiaspaul, 1991.

J. Fuchs, Le renouveau de la théologie morale selon Vatican II, Tournai, Desclée, 1968.




How to Cite

Trautmann, F. (2012). THE NOTION OF CHARITY IN VATICAN II: Real Consideration, Complicated Integration. Asian Horizons, 6(03), 499–513. Retrieved from