
  • James F Keenan Loyola School of Theology




In order to appreciate the achievement of moral theology at Vatican II we have to recognize that moral theologians in the first half of the twentieth century attempted to develop the foundations of a contemporary moral theology to replace the four centuries of the moral manuals. For reasons too numerous to explain here, these theologians wanted to revisit the roots of this “new“ moral theology in the Catholic tradition as it developed from the time of Christ until the dawn of sixteenth-century casuistry.1 That is, they wanted to revisit the tradition prior to the emergence of the moral manuals in their early forms as the summary of cases or the summa de casibus. Häring’s work represents the crowning achievement of these efforts. His work, I will argue here, guided moral theology to its achievements at Vatican II. 

Author Biography

James F Keenan, Loyola School of Theology

Fr. James Keenan, SJ, is the Founders Professor of Theology at Boston College. He was Consultant to the National Catholic Conference of Bishops for the Revision of the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Institutions (1988-1995). He has been on the Editorial Board of Theological Studies since 1991 and the Board of Directors of the Society of Christian Ethics (2001-2005). He is the editor of two book series, “Moral Traditions,“ at Georgetown University Press and the Boston College Church 21 series. His earlier works include Goodness and Rightness in Thomas Aquinas’s Summa Theologiae, Virtues for Ordinary Christians, Jesus and Virtue Ethics (with Dan Harrington) and Toward a Global Vision of Catholic Moral Theology: Reflections on the Twentieth Century. He has three new books A History of Catholic Moral Theology in the Twentieth Century: From Confessing Sins to Liberating Consciences; Paul and Virtue Ethics (with Dan Harrington) and Ethics of the Word: Voices in the Catholic Church Today. He is the chair of the international committee, Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church and helped host the First International Crosscultural Conference for Catholic Theological Ethicists in July 2006 in Padua, Italy, and another in 2010 in Trento, Italy. He has published over 250 essays, articles and reviews. He has been adjunct professor at the Gregorian University in Rome (2000, 2002), Loyola School of Theology in Manila (2001, 2003), and Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram in Bangalore (2007, 2012). Email:


James F. Keenan, A History of Catholic Moral Theology in the Twentieth Century, New York: Continuum, 2010. n_cfaith_doc_20030510_ratzinger-comm-bible_en.html,accessed January 23, 2011.

Theodor Steinbüchel, Die philosophische Grundlegung; Theodor Müncker, Die psychologische Grundlegung; Fritz Tillmann, Die Idee der Nachfolge Christi; in Fritz Tillmann, ed., Die katholische sittenlehre, Dusseldorf: Patmos, 1934.

Karl-Heinz Kleber, Historia Docet: Zur Geschichte der Moraltheologie Studien der Moraltheologie 15, Münster: LIT Verlag, 2005.

Tillmann, The Master Calls: A Handbook of Morals for the Layman, translated by Gregory J. Roettger, Baltimore: Helicon Press, 1960.

Mary Jo Iozzio, Self-Determination and the Moral Act: A Study of the Contributions of Odon Lottin, O.S.B., Leuven: Peeters, 1995.

Lottin, Aux Sources de Notre Grandeur Morale, Louvain: Abbaye du Mont César, 1946.

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Gerard Gilleman, Le primat de la charité en théologie morale, Bruxelles : L’Edition universelle, 1952.

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“A More Excellent Way,“ America 194.5 (February 13, 2006).

James Keenan, “Virtue, Grace and the Early Revisionists of the Twentieth Century,“ Studies in Christian Ethics 23.4 (2010).

Mark Graham, Josef Fuchs on Natural Law, Washington, D.C.: Georgetown UP, 2002.

Klaus Demmer, Shaping the Moral Life: An Introduction to Moral Theology, Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2000.

Living the Truth: A Theory of Action, Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2010.


Christoph Theobald, Le christianisme comme style: Une manière de faire de la théologie en postmodernité, Paris: Cerf, 2007.

John O’Malley, “The Style of Vatican II;“See also his, What Happened at Vatican II, Cambridge: Harvard UP, 2008.

Gary MacEoin, “Conversation with Bernard Häring, “Worldview Magazine 15.8 (1972).

Charles Curran, Catholic Moral Theology in Dialogue, Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1972.

Häring, Free and Faithful in Christ, New York: Seabury Press, 1987.

David McCarthy, “Shifting Settings from Subculture to Pluralism: Catholic Moral Theology in an Evangelical Key,“ Communio 31 (2004) .

The Ten Commandments: Case Studies in Catholic Morality, Notre Dame: Ave Maria Press, 2010.

Eileen Flynn, AIDS: A Catholic Call to Compassion, New York: Sheed and Ward, 1985.

Russell Connors and Patrick McCormick, Character, Choices and Community, New York: Paulist Press, 1998.

The Works of Mercy: The Heart of Catholicism, Lanham, Md.: Sheed and Ward, 2005.

Patricia Lamoureux and Paul Waddell, The Christian Moral Life, Maryknoll: Orbis, 2010.

Häring, My Witness for the Church, Mahwah: Paulist Press, 1992.

Häring, Embattled Witness: Memories of a Time of War, New York: Seabury Press, 1976.

Marciano Vidal’s Nueva Moral Fundamental: El hogar teológico de la Ética Biblioteca Manual Desclée, Bilbao: Desclée de Brouwer, 2000. archive/hist_councils/ii_vatican_council/documents/vat-ii_decree_19651028_ optatam-totius_en.html .

Charles Curran, “Bernhard Häring: A Moral Theologian Whose Soul Matched His Scholarship,“ National Catholic Reporter. 34 (17 July 1998).

Philippe Bordeyne, L’Homme et son angoisse: La Theologie Morale de ’Gaudium et Spes’, Paris: Cerf, 2004.

Aniceto Molinaro, “Scienze Umane, Filosofia, Etica,“ Tullo Goffi and Giannnino Piana, ed., Vita Nuiova in Cristo: Morale fondamentale e generale, Brescia: Queriniana, 1983.

http://www. 1207_gaudium-et-spes_en.html .

Sabatino Maiorano, “Coscienza e Verità Morale nel Vaticano II,“ Marian Nalepa and Terence Kennedy, ed., La Coscienza Morale Oggi: Omaggio al Prof. Domenco Capone, Rome: Alfonsianum University Press, 1987.

Josef Fuchs, ed., Das Gewissen, Düsseldorf: Patmos Verlag, 1979.

Charles E. Curran, ed., Readings in Moral Theology No. 14: Conscience, Mahwah: Paulist Press, 2004.

Eric D’Arcy, Conscience and its Right to Freedom, London: Sheed and Ward, 1961.

Linda Hogan, Confronting the Truth: Conscience in the Catholic Tradition, Darton, Longman, Todd, Ltd., and Paulist Press, 2001.

Kevin Kelly, Conscience: Dictator or Guide, London: Geoffrey Chapman, 1967.

Anne Patrick, Liberating Consciences, New York: Continuum, 1997.

Herbert Schlögel, Nicht Moralisch, Sondern Theologisch: Zum Gewissenverständnis von Gerhard Ebeling, Mainz: Matthias-Grünewald Verlag, 1992.

Osamu Takeuchi, Conscience and Personality, Chiba, Japan: Kyoyusha, 2003.

Paul Valadier, Éloge de la conscience, Paris, Seuil, 1994.

Sidney Callahan, In Good Conscience, New York: Harper Collins, 1991.

Dennis Billy and James Keating, Conscience and Prayer: The Spirit of Catholic Moral Theology, Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2001.

Charles Shelton, Morality of the Heart, New York: Crossroad, 1990.

Todd A. Salzman and Michael G. Lawler, The Sexual Person: Toward a Renewed Catholic Anthropology, Washington, D.C.: Georgetown UP, 2008.

Kevin T. Kelly, “Divorce and Remarriage,“ A Call to Fidelity, 97-112, at 98-99. See also his Divorce and Second Marriage: Facing the Challenge, Kansas City, Mo: Sheed & Ward, 1997.

“Divorce And Remarriage“ Christian Ethics, 248-265; “Divorce,“ Adrian Hastings, et al., ed., The Oxford Companion To Christian Thought, 172-173, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.

John O’Malley, What Happened at Vatican II?, Cambridge: Harvard UP, 2008.

Jan Grootaers and Jan Jans, La régulationdes naissances à Vatican II: Une semaine de crise, Leuven: Peeters, 2002.

Mathijs Lamberigts and Leo Kenis, ed., Vatican II and its Legacy, Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2002.

Enrico Chiavacci, “La Riflessione Cristiana sul Sociale Nella Gaudium et Spes,“ Teologia Morale Fondamentale, Assisi: Cittadella Editrice, 2007.

Joseph A. Selling, “Gaudium et Spes: A Manifesto for Contemporary Moral Theology,“ Vatican II, 145-162.

Georges De Schrijver, “Gaudium et Spes on the Church’s Dialogue with Contemporary Society and Culture: A Seedbed for the Divergent Options Adopted at Medellín, Puebla, and Santo Domingo,“ Vatican II, 289-327.

George Lobo, Christian Living According to Vatican II, Bangalore: Theological Publications in India, 1980, x.

Yiu Sing Lúcás Chan, The Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes: Biblical Studies and Ethics for Real Life, New York: Rowman and Littlefield, 2012.




How to Cite

Keenan, J. F. (2012). THE ACHIEVEMENT OF MORAL THEOLOGY AT VATICAN II . Asian Horizons, 6(03), 481–498. Retrieved from