
  • Charles Irudayam Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India




Although peoples have been on the move from time immemorial, migration has become truly a phenomenon of our times because of globalisation. The biggest challenges of globalisation are migration and poverty. The twenty-first century has been called “the age of migration.” Our modern economic models heighten exclusion and inequality. As a result, issues of migration and poverty remain widespread. The issues of migration and poverty could be seen as “signs of the time” to be interpreted in the light of the Word of God and the Magisterium of the Church. Both issues are intertwined. The first part of this paper highlights the issue of migration, while the second part underlines the issue of poverty. And the third part highlights the responses of the Universal Church to these issues, while the last part briefly discusses the response of the Federation of Asian Bishops Conferences (FABC). We do make some recommendations, in the light of the social teaching of the Church, in view of creating a better world wherein everyone will feel safe and secure and live peacefully.

Author Biography

Charles Irudayam, Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India

Rev. Dr Charles Irudayam is the Executive Secretary of the Commission for Justice, Peace and Development of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India, New Delhi. He is a Catholic priest of Sivagangai Diocese. He holds MA in Psychology from Annamalai University, MA in Religious Studies, STL and PhD in Theology from Catholic University Leuven. He taught Moral Theology at St Peter’s Pontifical Institute, Bangalore. He has published many articles and has authored a few books, including Social Teaching of John Paul II. He has also edited a few books. The recent ones are Human Dignity in Catholic Social Thought and Church and Sustainable Development (both 2014). Email: icharlie70@hotmail.com


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How to Cite

Irudayam, C. (2014). MIGRATION AND POVERTY: ISSUES AND RESPONSES OF THE CHURCH . Asian Horizons, 8(04), 789–809. Retrieved from https://dvkjournals.in/index.php/ah/article/view/2658