Relevance of Teilhard and Whitehead for the vision of Laudato Sí


  • Valerian Mendonca DVK


Ecocentrism, Integral Ecology, Intersubjectivity, Laudato Sí, Process metaphysics, Panentheism, Teilhard de Chardin, Whitehead A.N.


Integral ecology is a key concept in Pope Francis’ encyclical on ecology, ‘Laudato Sí. In seeking solutions to the complex environmental crisis, Pope Francis calls for an integrated approach that explainsinterrelatedness in the cosmic reality.
In this paper, I suggest that a revision and combination of the insights
of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955) and Alfred North Whitehead
(1861-1947) will produce a new intersubjective relational understanding
of God, the world and the human community. This process-oriented
metaphysical notion of intersubjectivity can be explained as a balance
between multiplicity and unity, between multiple subjects of
experience and the higher-order levels of existence and activity, which
they achieve by their dynamic interaction. I propose that the notion of
intersubjectivity can lay a metaphysical foundation for the vision of an integral ecology.
Moreover, I argue that the notion of intersubjectivity helps us to repudiate the one-sided anthropocentric worldview and to embrace abalanced ecocentric worldview of reality. Finally, I suggest that an interrelated approach to the different dimensions of ecology enumerated by Francis, namely, environmental, economic, social, cultural, and human, will be a comprehensive solution towards Francis’
appeal for combating poverty, restoring dignity to the excluded, and at the same time protecting nature.

Author Biography

Valerian Mendonca, DVK

Valerian Mendonca, a Jesuit priest, is currently a PhD researcher at the Institute of Philosophy, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven) in Belgium. His doctoral research project is titled, “Towards a Metaphysics of Intersubjectivity: A Critical and Comparative Study of the Metaphysics of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and Alfred North Whitehead.” He has been a Visiting Research Scholar at the Center for Process Studies, Claremont School of Theology, California, USA. Prior to his doctoral research, he has been an associate professor at the Department of Philosophy in Loyola College, Chennai and an assistant lecturer at the Faculty of Philosophy in Sacred Heart College -Satya Nilayam, Chennai. Email: vally39@jesuits.net 


Lynn White, “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis,” Science 155, no. 3767 (1967) 1205, 1207.

Brian Henning, “Stewardship and the Roots of the Ecological Crisis,” in For Our Common Home: Process-Relational Responses to Laudato Si’, ed. John B. Cobb and Ignacio Castuera, Anoka, Minnesota: Process Century Press, 2015, 42.

Joseph Prabhu, “The Game-Changer in the Vatican,” in For Our Common Home: Process-Relational Responses to Laudato Si’, ed. John B. Cobb and Ignacio Castuera, Anoka, Minnesota: Process Century Press, 2015, 82.

Joseph A. Bracken, The World in the Trinity: Open-Ended Systems in Science and Religion, Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2014, 2.

Joseph A. Bracken, “Teilhard, Whitehead and a Metaphysics of Intersubjectivity,” in Rediscovering Teilhard’s Fire, ed. Kathleen Duffy, Philadelphia: Saint Joseph’s University Press, 2010, 164.

Alfred North Whitehead, Process and Reality, ed. David Ray Griffin and Donald W. Sherburne, 1978th ed., New York: The Free PRess, 1929, 237–238.

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, The Phenomenon of Man, trans. Bernard Wall, New York/London: Harper and Row, 1959, 261–265.

Whitehead, Process and Reality, 18.

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Writings in Time of War, trans. Rene Hague, New York: Harper and Row, 1968, 113.

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Hymn of the Universe, trans. Gerald Vann, New York/London: Harper and Row, 1961, 26.

Teilhard de Chardin, The Phenomenon of Man, 262.

Teilhard de Chardin, The Phenomenon of Man, 310.

Whitehead, Process and Reality, 348.

John W. Cooper, Panentheism - The Other God of the Philosophers: From Plato to thePresent, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Academic, 2006, 27.

E.A. Livingstone, “Panentheism,” The Concise Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, Oxford University Press, 2014, //www.oxfordreference.com/10.1093/acref/ 9780199659623.001.0001/acref-9780199659623

Ian G. Barbour, “Teilhard’s Process Metaphysics,” The Jouranal of Religion 49, 2 (1969) 147.

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Science and Christ, trans. Rene Hague, New York: Harper and Row, 1968, 42–45.

Teilhard de Chardin, Science and Christ, 42–45.

Cooper, Panentheism, 161.

Joseph A. Bracken, The One in the Many: A Contemporary Reconstruction of the God-

World Relationship, Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company,

, 109–130.

Bracken, The World in the Trinity, 75–76.

Whitehead, Process and Reality, 343; Bracken, The World in the Trinity, 87.

Whitehead, Process and Reality, 21, 88.

Teilhard de Chardin, The Phenomenon of Man, 79.

Ruth Page, “Panentheism and Pansyntheism: God in Relation,” in In Whom We Live and Move and Have Our Being, ed. Philip Clayton and Arthur Peacocke, Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2004, 229.

Whitehead, Process and Reality, 34.

Page, “Panentheism and Pansyntheism: God in Relation,” 232.

Aquinas, ST, I, Q. 3, art. 4.

Whitehead, Process and Reality, 345.

Whitehead, Process and Reality, 29.

Maria-Teresa Teixeira, “Ecological Conversion: The Plea for Sister Earth,” in For

Our Common Home: Process-Relational Responses to Laudato Si’, ed. John B. Cobb and

Ignacio Castuera, Anoka, Minnesota: Process Century Press, 2015, 432.

Henning, “Stewardship and the Roots of the Ecological Crisis,” 44.

Teilhard de Chardin, The Phenomenon of Man, 224.

John B. Mundu, The Ho Christian Community: Towards a New Self-Understanding as

Communion, Delhi: Media House, 2003, 76.

John B. Mundu, The Ho Christian Community, 15. See also Dhanur Singh Purty, Ho

Disum Ho Honko, vol. Book 7, Chaibasa: Xavier Ho Publications, 1982, 1–3.

Joseph A. Bracken, “Comments on Laudato Si’,” in For Our Common Home:

Process-Relational Responses to Laudato Si’, ed. John B. Cobb and Ignacio Castuera,

Anoka, Minnesota: Process Century Press, 2015, 421.

Whitehead, Process and Reality, 90.

Bracken, “Comments on Laudato Si’,” 423.




How to Cite

Mendonca, V. (2015). A METAPHYSICS OF INTERSUBJECTIVITY FOR AN INTEGRAL ECOLOGY : Relevance of Teilhard and Whitehead for the vision of Laudato Sí. Asian Horizons, 9(04), 748–762. Retrieved from https://dvkjournals.in/index.php/ah/article/view/2613