
  • Reginald Alva dvk


Development, Ecology,, Laudato Sí, Solidarity


The contemporary world in the name of progress and development poses severe danger to the environment. The rich and the dominant are ruthlessly exploiting the natural resources for their selfish gains. Secularization is systematically destroying the moral order of the society. However, the political and the economic powers are justifying all these abuses under the garb of rationalization. Pope Francis through
his encyclical Laudato Sí is challenging this irrational rationalization, which is one of the major causes of environmental degradation and moral depravity. In this paper, we shall examine the challenges and
proposals, which Pope Francis is putting forward to build a harmonious world, where everyone feels accepted and loved.

Author Biography

Reginald Alva, dvk

Reginald Alva, SVD works at Nanzan University, Japan. He holds a licentiate in
Biblical Theology and doctorate in Theology (Spirituality). His major publications
include Spiritual Renewal in Japan (2015), Narratives of Suffering: Meaning and Experience
in a Transcultural Approach (2014), The Spirituality of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal
Movement (2014) and Mary and the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement (2012).


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How to Cite

Reginald Alva. (2020). LAUDATO SÍ CHALLENGES IRRATIONAL RATIONALIZATION. Asian Horizons, 9(04), 709–723. Retrieved from