Earth the Motherly Gaia

The Womb and Tomb of All Creatures


  • Thomas Manickam Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram (DVK)


Earth, Gaia


Order implies relationship. the origin of cosmos from chaos
and every formations and transformations thereafter can be
summarized into relationship and its breakdown. Whenever
and wherever relationship breaks up chaos makes its
comeback. Relationship is the foundation of existence, both
the visible and the invisible. The environmentalists predict
an impending ecological catastrophe on account of various
human interventions in the"delicate balancing act of Mother
Nature. Prof. Thomas Manickam in this thought provoking
article describes ways and means to reestablish the broken
relationship between Mother Earth and her Children. Whether
to make the womb of our Mother Earth our tomb as well -
the choice is ours.


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How to Cite

Manickam, T. (2009). Earth the Motherly Gaia: The Womb and Tomb of All Creatures. Asian Horizons, 3(01), 56–72. Retrieved from