
  • Nihal Abeyasingha


Amoris Laetitia, Conscience, Discernment, Natural Law


In Amoris Laetitia the Pope reports to the whole Church the outcome of the two synods on the Family. The reality is that the polarizations present in the synod discussions continue in the church. On the one hand, there is the attempt to read Amoris Laetitia in a legal perspective (represented by the four Cardinals and their dubia). On the other hand, there is the pastoral approach (at present) of a few bishops to situations in which persons in an objective situation of sin, may ―discern‖ that subjectively they are not guilty of sin and so, in a state of grace. The article discusses the fact that morality in the Catholic tradition is based on the natural law tradition perfected by the gospel, where there is gradualness not in the law, but in life. In any event, the judgment of the individual conscience has to be respected.

Author Biography

Nihal Abeyasingha

Nihal Abeyasingha is a Catholic priest with graduate degrees in Civil Law, Philosophy, Buddhism and Systematic Theology. He has engaged in pastoral work both in his country of nationality Sri Lanka, and in Europe and the United States. He has also lectured for several years at the University of Kelaniya in Sri Lanka. Email:

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How to Cite

Abeyasingha, N. (2017). THE LAW VERSUS THE GOSPEL IN AMORIS LAETITIA. Asian Horizons, 11(01), 119–132. Retrieved from