
  • Sebastian Elavathingal DHARMARAM VIDHYA KSHETRAM (DVK)


CELEBRATION OF FAITH, Proclamation of Faith


The experience and the expression of faith in the history of the
Church have always been seeking embodiment in different cultural
forms. Culture is a specifically human good which is at the disposal
of the Spirit who proceeds in history manifesting in myriads of forms
the marvels of the divine mystery. Culture reveals, realizes and
celebrates the Spirit. As all spiritual experiences, the experience of
faith has to culminate in celebration. Hence culture has been a
concern of the Church in the proclamation of faith from the earliest
centuries onwards. In today’s world, as the Church encounters new
cultures, an increased awareness of the cultural reality challenges the
tasks of faith – proclamation, witness and celebration.

Author Biography


Sebastian Elavathingal, is a staff member of Samanvaya Theological
College, an Extension of Dharmaram Vidya Khetram. He took Ph.D. in Missiology
from the Gregorian University, Rome and Licentiate in Fine Arts from the Fine Arts
Academy of Brera, Milan. He has published his work Inculturation and Christian Art –
An Indian Perspective. 


A. Grabar, Christian Iconography: A Study of Its Origins, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1980.

The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, Macropaedia Volume 4, s.v. “Christianity,” Chicago: Helen Hemingway Benton, 1973-1974.

Paul Tillich, “Art and Ultimate Reality” in Art, Creativity, and the Sacred, ed. Diane Apostolos-Cappadona, New York: Crossroad, 1985.

Doug Adams,“Theological Expressions Through Visual Art Forms.

Vatican II, Gaudium et Spes.

Chenu, La teologia nel XII secolo, Milan: Jaca Books, 1992.

Vatican II, Sacrosanctum Concilium.

Christos Yannaras, The Freedom of Morality, trans. Elizabeth Briere, NY: Vladimir Seminary Press, 1996.

Paulachan Kochappilly, Evangelization as Celebration, Bangalore: Dharmaram Publications, 2002.

Dominic Jala, Liturgy and Mission, Roma: C.L.V. – Edizioni Liturgiche, 1987.

Ananda Coomaraswamy, The Transformation of Nature in Art, New York: Dover Publications.

Claus Westermann, Genesis 1-11, A Commentary, trans. John J. Seullion, Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1984.

D. Unger, “Christ’s Role in the Universe according to St. Irenaeus,” Franciscan Studies 26 (1945).

Ingo F. Walther ed., Art of the 20th Century: vol. 1, Painting by Karl Ruhrberg, Köln: Taschen, 2005.

John Paul II, Encyclical Letter Fides et Ratio, September 14, 1998, 80, AAS 91(1999).

John Paul II, Letter of His Holiness Pope John Paul II to Artists (April 4, 1999).

Macarius the Great, Homily 1,2; Patrologia Greca 34.

John Paul II, Letter of His Holiness Pope John Paul II to Artists (April 4, 1999).

S. Elavathingal, Inculturation and Christian Art – An Indian Perspective, Rome: Urbanian University Press, 1990.

John Paul II, Fides et Ratio.




How to Cite

Elavathingal, S. (2011). ART AND CELEBRATION OF FAITH. Asian Horizons, 5(01), 109–121. Retrieved from