Forming Moral Theologians For Asia

Forming Moral Theologians For Asia


  • Philippe Bordeyne Institut Catholique de Paris


Moral Theologians, Asia


Due to historical and current ties with the Foreign Missions of Paris,
each year the Catholic university of Paris (Institut Catholique de Paris)
welcomes a hundred of Asian priests and nuns who come here to
pursue their canonical undergraduate, postgraduate or doctoral
studies (STD). Among them, some specialize in moral theology.
Having been responsible for their training over the past ten years, I
realize every day the challenge that it represents: even if I have visited
Japan, China, India, Korea and Vietnam, I have never lived in Asia.
I am aware of everything that I’m lacking in order to understand the
diversity of ancient cultures, which shape this vast continent.
Reading, exchanges and friendships can never manage to replace
extended immersion in a country. On the other hand, I cannot shirk
this task, as expectations are high, especially among those students
who come from young Churches, equipped with few resources for
training and, sometimes suffering from hostile political conditions.

Author Biography

Philippe Bordeyne, Institut Catholique de Paris

Philippe Bordeyne, a priest of Nanterre (France), is professor of theological ethics
and dean of the Theologicum, the faculty of theology at the Institut Catholique de
Paris. He is the president of the Conference of Catholic Theological Institutions
(COCTI), a sectorial group of the International Federation of Catholic Universities
(IFCU). E-mail:


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How to Cite

Bordeyne, P. (2010). Forming Moral Theologians For Asia: Forming Moral Theologians For Asia. Asian Horizons, 4(01), 167–178. Retrieved from