BI. Chavara and BI. Kunjachan Two Asian Saints of Dalit Advocacy


  • George Kaniyarakam Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram(DVK)


BI. Chavara, BI. Kunjachan, Dalit Advocacy


In this article. Dr Kaniyarakam. CMI coherently and
passionately illustrates the spiritual heights of BI. Chavara and
BI. Kunjachan in their stance and work for the digniry. rights
and material and spiritual emancipation and holistic progress
of the marginalized people who are called dalits in India. The
author highlights that the humanism of these holy men sprang
from their Christian faith. which sees the face of Jesus in every
human person. especially, the hungry. the sick. the imprisoned
and the neglected. Dr Kaniyarakarn presents these luminaries
as a challenge to the Asian and world perceptions of being


SA.M. Mundadan, Blessed Kuriakose Elias Chavara, Bangalore, 2008.

It is rich a treatise on family spirituality (efr. G.Kaniarakath , "Chavara's Vision of a Christian Family," Herald of the East 1(1991).



How to Cite

Kaniyarakam, G. . (2008). BI. Chavara and BI. Kunjachan Two Asian Saints of Dalit Advocacy. Asian Horizons, 2(02), 27–37. Retrieved from