A New Focus for Asian Theological Reflection
HUMAN SPIRIT, Asian Theological ReflectionAbstract
The Decree on the Missions (Ad Gentes), and the Declaration on
World Religions1 (Nostra Aetate) by Vatican II in 1965 were unique
events in the history of the Church, both happening towards the end
of the Council after very long and crucial discussions and
deliberation. These documents are also to be seen as great
achievements of Vatican II in relation to the Church’s place in the
world in the context of religious pluralism and also the Church’s
attitude towards secular history through the openness it gained as a
result of the long discussions among the Fathers of the Council.
Already in 1964 a brief statement on missions was presented, which
concentrated largely on juridical and organizational problems of
mission and so it was rejected by the Council. This final Decree is a
marked improvement, particularly in theological contents. It is to be
clearly stated that the Decree opens up a new approach in the
missionary activity of the Church.
Ad Gentes
A. Bea, cited from Fesquet, Le Journal du Concile, ed. By Morel, 1966.
John Paul II, The Pope Speaks to India,St. Paul's Publications, Bombay, 1986.
Brihadaranayaka Upanishad.
Fides et Ration.
Flesh and Spirit, Edinburgh, 1978.