Reflections on Fides et Ratio, art. 72


  • Tord Fornberg




In his encyclical Fides et Ratio1 (1998) the late Pope John Paul II has
discussed the question of the relationship between faith and reason,
between theology and philosophy. One of the many issues taken up
in this important document is the need for the newly introduced
concept of inculturation, whenever and wherever the Gospel is to be
proclaimed and communities have to be formed in a land, different
from the Greco-Roman world, where it first spread during the
formative years of the apostolic ministry and thereafter. In article 72
of this Encyclical the Pope goes on to specify the Asian countries and,
in particular, the Indian subcontinent where this inculturation should
take place in a more meaningful manner, and then he urges the
theologians and the philosophers of this country “to draw from [its]
rich heritage the elements compatible with their faith, in order to
enrich the Christian thought.

Author Biography

Tord Fornberg

Tord Fornberg, born in Sweden in 1943, Doctor of Theology with a thesis on 2 Peter
(1977), Associate professor of New Testament Exegesis at Uppsala University, now at
the Newman Institute (Uppsala). He has been guest teacher in Hong Kong,
Bangalore and Jerusalem and a member of the Commission for Inter-Religious
Dialogue of the Catholic Diocese of Stockholm. He is the author of Jewish-Christian
Dialogue and Biblical Exegesis (1988), The Problem of Christianity in Multi-Religious
Societies of Today (1995) and The Bible in a World of Many Faiths (2000). Email:


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How to Cite

Fornberg, T. (2011). TOWARDS ASIAN CHRISTIAN THEOLOGIES: Reflections on Fides et Ratio, art. 72. Asian Horizons, 5(02), 242–253. Retrieved from