Guardini’s Legacy in Laudato Sí


  • Jakub Rajcani Nanzan University, Nagoya


Laudato Sí, Catholic Social Teaching, Ecology, Francis, Romano Guardini, Technology


In this paper I argue that Pope Francis, as well as the author quoted by him — Romano Guardini, agree that technology is intrinsically a human dimension of life that is ambiguous. On the one hand, it has to be approved and used for higher goals, on the other is always to be evaluated and confronted with real and true values. Technology is destined to help nature but is radically based on, rooted in and dependent on it, as is the case of the relationship between nature and culture, and nature and grace. Humans must not let themselves be ruled by “impersonal forces.” Development — that not always is a true progress — will not be infinite.

Author Biography

Jakub Rajcani, Nanzan University, Nagoya

Jakub Rajcani, SVD is a member of the Society of the Divine Word. After his studies in Bratislava and Nagoya (Japan), he was ordained a priest in 2011. He holds a Licentiate in theology from Nanzan University (2012) and a Doctorate in Moral Theology from the Accademia Alfonsiana in Rome (2015). From April 2016 he is lecturer in moral theology at Nanzan University in Nagoya. He has authored several articles. Email:


“Die Bereiche des menschlichen Schaffens” (orig. 1938), in Unterscheidung des Christlichen, I.

Der Glaubean die Gnade und das Bewußtsein der Schuld,” in Unterscheidung des Christlichen, II.

H. Arendt, The Human Condition, Chicago, 1958.

H.D. Mutschler, “Guardini und das Problem der Technik,” in H.J. Schuster, ed., Guardini Weiterdenken, Guardini-Stiftung: Berlin 1993.

L. White, “The Historical Roots of Our Ecological Crisis,” Science 155 (1967).

M. Heidegger, Kant und das Problem der Metaphysik, Frankfurt 1998.

M. Scheler, Die Stellung des Menschen im Kosmos, Darmstadt 1928.

R. Guardini, L’uomo. Fondamenti di una antropologia cristiana, Opera omnia III/2, Brescia 2009.




How to Cite

Rajcani, J. (2016). TECHNOLOGY AND ETHICS: Guardini’s Legacy in Laudato Sí. Asian Horizons, 10(01), 102–115. Retrieved from