
  • Elmar Mitterstieler DVK


Common Priesthood, Equal Dignity of All, Ministerial Priesthood, Ordo, Vatican II, Sacrosanctum Concilium,, Lumen Gentium, PresbyterorumOrdinis, Catechism of the Catholic Church


All baptised believers are Priests and Kings and Prophets in their communion with Christ. But how and where do we experience this? It is a promise that is hardly ever reflected in the reality of our lives as Christians and Church members. Citing the Scripture, the Second Vatican Council has brought back into focus the promise of the inalienable equality and dignity and of the collective priesthood shared by all baptised believers. In theology and proclamation, however, this concept has been given little attention, or has even been actively avoided. This article aims to show the truth of this promise and to point out its significance for the daily lives and the liturgy of Christians. All of us, and especially those with leading functions in the Church, need to develop a greater awareness of it. Those who exercise the ministry of the Church, together with all Church members, live the one priesthood of participation in the priesthood of Jesus.

Author Biography

Elmar Mitterstieler, DVK

Elmar Mitterstieler, SJ was born in 1940 and has been a long-term spiritual director in various seminaries after his doctorate on Karl Rahner titled “Christian Belief as Confirmation of Human” (1974). At present he accompanies spiritual retreats, spiritual guidance, doing research in theology and spirituality and lives in Vienna. Email:


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C. Hennecke, Kirche, die über den Jordan geht. Expedition ins Land der Verheißung, Münster 52011, 234.




How to Cite

Mitterstieler, E. . (2015). PRIESTHOOD OF ALL BELIEVERS. Asian Horizons, 9(02), 288–309. Retrieved from