
  • Peter Hunermanni Tübingen


Amoris Laetitia, Casti Connubii, Doctrine of Scripture and Tradition, Family, Mercy, Pastoral Care, Sacrament of Marriage


The reaction of some cardinals and bishops to Pope Francis‗ Amoris laetitia has been contentious. In the essay we try to reveal the dogmatic structure of the document. In the Introduction (AL, 1-7) Pope Francis defines the ecclesial process that generated AL as strictly synodal and incontestable procedure of bishops and Pope and the extremes excluded by synodal consensus. Chapter one resumes the testimony of Scripture, Chapter two refers to the general social and pastoral situation of marriage and family. Chapter three summarises the testimony of Scripture and Tradition of Church doctrine to give an adequate characterisation of the Sacrament of Marriage and family. The following chapters (4-7) consider the constitutive elements of the Sacrament, and Chapter eight treats the way to help Christian couples with pastoral care according to Church order, Chapter nine gives finally an outline of the spirituality of matrimony and family. The concluding reflection points out dogmatic and moral theological differences between Amoris laetitia and Casti connubii.

Author Biography

Peter Hunermanni, Tübingen

Prof. Dr Peter Hünermann holds a Licentiate in Philosophy, Licentiate in Theology and a Doctorate in Theology. He was Assistant Professor, Freiburg i. Br., Professor for Dogmatic Theology, Münster (1971-1982) and from 1982 he is Professor for Dogmatic Theology, Tübingen. He is President of Catholic Academic Exchange Service and Founding President of the European Society for Catholic Theology. He was the Founding President of the International Network of Societies for Catholic Theology (1996). Recognising his great contributions, several universities have awarded him Honorary Doctorates. Email:


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Stephan Herzberg, ―Das Lehrstück von den In-sichschlechten Handlungen bei Aristoteles,‖ in Theologie und Philosophie 91 (2016).

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How to Cite

Hunermanni, P. (2017). THE SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: A DOGMATIC THEOLOGIAN READS AMORIS LAETITIA. Asian Horizons, 11(01), 9–28. Retrieved from