
  • Mathew Illathuparampil St Joseph Pontifical Seminary Aluva


Autonomy, Ethics of Technology, Jacques Ellul, Lynn White, Bible and Technology


This article is a modest attempt to outline some of the essential components of a theology of technology. Before doing that, it makes a very brief survey of the field and explains why there should be a theology of technology. The essential themes proposed in a theology of technology are using the sources of a theology of  technology; ethics of technology; technology within the scheme of creation; redemptive task of technology; theology of work; technology and power.

Author Biography

Mathew Illathuparampil, St Joseph Pontifical Seminary Aluva

Rev. Dr Mathew Illathuparampil is the Rector of the St Joseph Pontifical Seminary, Mangalapuzha, Aluva, Kerala and professor of moral theology. He completed his PhD in theology in 2002 from KU Leuven, Belgium. His recent publications include Indian Ethos and Management Values (Tiruvalla, 2011), “Alternative Concerns in Doing Theology,” Jeevadhara 31, 246 (2011) 449-465, Technology and Ethical Ambiguity (New Delhi, 2009). Email: illathuparampilmathew@gmail.com


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How to Cite

Illathuparampil, M. (2016). A THEOLOGY OF TECHNOLOGY: PROSPECTIVE SKETCHES. Asian Horizons, 10(01), 7–19. Retrieved from https://dvkjournals.in/index.php/ah/article/view/2000