Vinayasādhana 2024-07-01T04:52:39+00:00 Thomas Joseph Parayil Open Journal Systems <p><em>Vinayasādhana: Dharmaram Journal of Psycho-Spiritual Formation </em>is envisaged to cater to the needs of those in the field of formation in seminaries and religious formation houses, pastoral field, education field and hospital ministry as counsellors and spiritual animators. It is envisioned to provide information on the time-tested as well as the most recent breakthroughs in various fields of human knowledge.</p> Challenges of Formation in the Era of AI 2024-07-01T03:42:09+00:00 Thomas Joseph Parayil 2024-07-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Artificial Intelligence: Unveiling Opportunities and Ethical Dilemmas 2024-07-01T04:44:21+00:00 Editor 2024-07-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Martha and Mary Versus Artificial Intelligence: AI’s Implications for Religious Life 2024-07-01T04:19:36+00:00 Sunny Kuruvilla Maniyakupara <p>In the glorious tradition of Roman Catholic Church, the consecrated persons have distinguished themselves as paragons of sanctity and service leading a life defined by vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. Yet, the current landscape of religious life presents an unprecedented situation fraught with challenges and possibilities. This article explores the multifaceted impact of AI on the lives of consecrated persons, examining both the potential threats and opportunities it presents. AI yields rich fruits such as automation of repetitive tasks, better communication, greater availability of time, personalization of services and effective outreach. At the same time, it raises some ethical concerns like data privacy, erosion of human interaction, and the potential for bias in decision-making. The rise of AI provokes some hard questions about the future role and purpose of consecrated life in a technologically advanced society. Against the backdrop of Martha-Mary episode, an humble attempt is made to figure out the salient features of humans in contrast to those of AI so that the consecrated persons can not only pioneer novel paths of religious ministry anchored on unique human traits but also harness the capabilities of AI for a fruitful Christian ministry.</p> 2024-07-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Theology Encounters Technology: Unraveling Imago Dei in the Age of Artificial Intelligence 2024-07-01T04:22:54+00:00 A. John Kennedy <p>The article explores the historical evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI), tracing its roots from pre-modern myths and experiments to contemporary challenges and successes. It emphasises individual contributions, including religious figures and scientists, in shaping the field. The discussion delves into the theological implications of AI in the context of human distinctiveness, examining various biblical interpretations of the Imago Dei (image of God). The article further explores the parallels between AI and human intelligence, functionality, relationality, embodied cognition, co-creation, consciousness, affective domain, human transcendence and mental health care. It highlights the potential benefits and challenges of integrating AI into healthcare, particularly mental health and suggests the need for careful collaboration between AI researchers and healthcare professionals. It presents a comprehensive exploration of the evolution of AI and its theological and practical implications for humanity.</p> 2024-07-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The Opportunities of Artificial Intelligence in the Field of Education: An Examination of Obstacles and Resolutions 2024-07-01T04:25:49+00:00 Shweta Bharat Patil and Linjo A. Josep <p>The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education has sparked transformative changes in traditional teaching methodologies, offering promising opportunities while presenting significant challenges. This study explores the impact of AI on the educational landscape, focusing on its potential benefits and the obstacles it poses. Through a comprehensive review of existing literature, this paper analyzes the implications of AI, particularly in the context of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, to understand its influence on student learning and educational outcomes. Key themes include the role of AI in personalized learning, administrative tasks automation, and the ethical considerations surrounding its implementation. By examining the challenges of AI in education and proposing strategies to address them, this study aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of the evolving relationship between technology and education.</p> 2024-07-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The Church as Source of Christian and Conscience Formation According to the Encyclicals of John Paul II 2024-07-01T04:36:38+00:00 Peter Kochalumkal <p>Christians, empowered by baptism, are urged to embody and propagate Christian values through various avenues, such as families and organizations, promoting Gospel-centered living and compassion. This echoes Paul’s teachings and the parable of the Good Samaritan. Families play a crucial role in nurturing community spirit and adherence to Church doctrines, shaping consciences according to Christian ethics, and inspiring acts of kindness. Churches, acting as agents of unity and reconciliation, facilitate dialogue and understanding amidst societal divisions. They provide spiritual refuge for the marginalized, advocating for equity and equality based on biblical principles. Through education, advocacy, service, and prayer, the Church endeavours to create a just and inclusive society in line with Christ’s message of unity and interconnectedness.</p> 2024-07-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Religious and Priestly Formation in an Artificial Intelligence Landscape: Critical Perspectives 2024-07-01T04:39:25+00:00 Jeff Shawn Jose Mejo Pampilly <p>The flourishing presence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in contemporary society presents a complex challenge, sparking vigorous public debate and concern. The influence of AI transcends the broader societal context, reaching the very institutions that nurture future Church leaders: formation houses for priests and religious. The continuous exposure of formees to the complexities of AI necessitates a critical analysis of its potential influence on their formation journey. This paper employs the framework of human, spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral formation outlined in the post-synodal apostolic exhortation Pastores Dabo Vobis as a lens to critically analyse the impact of AI on religious and priestly formation. The article critically analyses the influence of AI on each formation aspect, addressing ethical concerns, spiritual distractions, intellectual pitfalls, and potential pastoral passivity. The urgency to reinforce the current formation paradigm is emphasised, calling for comprehensive guidelines to navigate the widespread influence of AI while preserving core values.</p> 2024-07-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Medieval Europe and Works of Mercy 2024-07-01T04:42:09+00:00 Francis Thonippara <p>This work explores the centrality of mercy in the Christian faith, particularly its practical expression through works of charity. It argues that these acts, motivated by God’s mercy, were understood by medieval Christians as crucial to imitating Christ and achieving salvation. The paper examines biblical foundations for mercy in the New Testament, emphasising the Good Samaritan and the Last Judgement parable, highlighting obligations to help those in need. It also explores the early Church’s commitment to social justice and cares for the marginalised, exemplified by the role of deacons. Furthermore, the text cites the teachings of Church Fathers like St. Basil and St. Ambrose, who emphasised radical social responsibility as integral to Christian life. Finally, it touches upon the emphasis on mercy in the papacy of Pope Francis, highlighting his declaration of the Jubilee Year of Mercy and his call to address the structural causes of poverty and inequality. Overall, the work argues that mercy is not just a theological concept but a call to action, urging Christians to respond actively to the needs of others in society.</p> 2024-07-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024