The Church as Source of Christian and Conscience Formation According to the Encyclicals of John Paul II


  • Peter Kochalumkal Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram


Christians, empowered by baptism, are urged to embody and propagate Christian values through various avenues, such as families and organizations, promoting Gospel-centered living and compassion. This echoes Paul’s teachings and the parable of the Good Samaritan. Families play a crucial role in nurturing community spirit and adherence to Church doctrines, shaping consciences according to Christian ethics, and inspiring acts of kindness. Churches, acting as agents of unity and reconciliation, facilitate dialogue and understanding amidst societal divisions. They provide spiritual refuge for the marginalized, advocating for equity and equality based on biblical principles. Through education, advocacy, service, and prayer, the Church endeavours to create a just and inclusive society in line with Christ’s message of unity and interconnectedness.


