The Canons Regular
St Norbert and the Premonstratensians
Premonstratensians, Canons Regular, Norbert, Augustinian Rule, Canon, CisterciansAbstract
This year is the 900th anniversary of the founding of the Norbertines or Premonstratensians or White Canons, the fifth oldest surviving Order in the Catholic Church. The foundation aimed to bring about renewal among the clergy by bridging the gap between monastic life and clerical life. In this article, an attempt is made to make known to the Christian world the unique role played by the Norbertines in reforming the Church at a crucial time in the history of the Church and their relevance even today. Canons Regular was connected with the intense religious growth of the age. The compelling force behind the foundation of the Premonstratensians was to reform and educate the diocesan clergy and to introduce common life among them. The Premonstratensians introduced a new form of spirituality to the people and they worked under a Rule. The article concludes with an appeal to the Norbertines in India to get involved in the renewal of the Indian Church through new initiatives.
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