The Divine Pedagogy of Formation - VI
BELOVED OF THE FORMATOR, David, John 15:16Abstract
David, a shepherd boy who was called by God, needed a long term training to fit into his elevated role as the king of Israel. In order to become “a man after God’s own heart” and a true “leader (nagid) of his people” he was exposed to numerous critical situations that brought to light his strengths as well as weaknesses. His election is a reminder of the words of Christ in Jn. 15:16, “You did not choose me, but I chose you…” God who chooses a person to be his instrument has his unique way of forming his chosen one to fit into his role. The most fitting response from the part of the formee is to entrust oneself into the hands of the formator in absolute trust and confidence without any reserve or setting conditions. Suppressing one’s own petty interests and fears often exposes the formee to dark night experiences in life. In spite of every attempt from the part of the divine formator the formee may not always succeed hundred percent. The fire of revenge that continued to burn in the heart of David, the one whom God has designated as a man after His own heart, clearly indicates this sad reality.