Role of Screening
Selection of Candidates to Priesthood and Religious Life
Screening, Selection of candidates, FormationAbstract
Selection of candidates to priesthood and religious life is a very difficult task for vocation facilitators and animators of formation. Formation is clearly the work of the Holy Spirit, however, from the human point of view; it is the vocation facilitator’s duty to screen the candidates by making use of the modern facilities available like psychological tests. Such tests are capable of giving insights into the candidate’s future orientation and would help one to know how emotionally stable the candidate is. The improved selection methods and proper guidance at the right time will reduce the number of dropouts. Therefore, screening is essential and helpful for the formees as well as the formators. The screening could be done in two stages: Before admitting the candidate into the formation house and then during the initial stages of formation. The experts who are involved in the screening process should be attentive to the directives given by the Holy See, the Congregation of Catholic Education, the Canon Law and directives of the regional bishops and major superiors. Moreover, those who are involved in the screening process of candidates should be persons of conviction and having appreciation for their own vocation.
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