Formee a Swindler
The Divine Pedagogy of Formation
Joseph, Divine Pedagogy, Formation, God-appointed saviourAbstract
Joseph, the dreamer, is a unique persona among the scores of characters we come across in the Sacred Scripture. The divine Pedagogue utilized some extra-ordinary techniques to transform this handsome dreamer. He was a ‘beloved’ to many, and he wanted to enjoy the benefits of it and was ready to ‘showoff’ his privileges to the jealousy of the underprivileged. There was a need to make him understand that along with special privileges special obligations too are attached. At the first stage the divine Pedagogue tries to put some sense into the highflying formee, full of vanity and pride, by letting him know that he is practically a nobody, and on his own he can do nothing. In the Indian terminology, he is merely an agathi - a destitute. The divine trainer does not, however,
forsake the one who had fallen into the abyss of despair. Thanks to the formation he received even at the moment of power, position, glory and wealth, Joseph maintained a humble attitude. He did not forget his roots and past life. Eventually his dreams and the instruction of the Pharaoh, “Go to Joseph and do what he tells you” were accomplished. Because of famine all people ran to him, and the dreamer became their God-appointed saviour.