Tensions, Conflicts, and Complementariness
Psycho-Spirituality, Tensions, Complementariness, Conflicts, psychological problems, personality, FormationAbstract
Mind is not something that hangs in the air. It is essentially related to the interior realm of human being that is the soul. Mind is essentially related to the spiritual self and consciousness. Boundaries of mind and spirit overlap, so much so, it is not easy to clearly state where the soul begins and where the mind ends. Reductionism is untenable and has done havoc to the human nature. The alternative is a synthesis of psychological and spiritual elements. Some psychological problems are deeply related to the spiritual self. By touching the root of human personality, changes in the personality can be affected rather easily. One’s spiritual nature is a psychological fact. It is the real and transformative force that empowers one’s life. Formation should involve the whole person and every aspect of personality shall be synthesized to the core. Emotion is a key element in our personality. Everything else faces serious threat if emotions are not integrated properly. Wholeness occurs when both psychological principles and spiritual principles come together and support each other and hence we speak of Psycho-Spirituality
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