Translating Beliefs into Biology and Health
body and mind, emotions one experiences, mind and body, Faith in oneselfAbstract
The relation and interaction between body and mind are no more matters of dispute. There is abundant medical research to show that brain could affect powerful changes in the body’s chemistry depending on the kind of emotions one experiences. Our positive and negative to emotions are intimately related with a belief system we entertain. One’s emotions, perceptions, values, and belief system all exert influence on mind and trigger hundreds of different chemicals in human brain. Hence the importance of expanding the knowledge about the way mind and body collaborate. Human beings need functional ideas, beliefs, and vision to cope with life and create health. Everybody needs a personalized belief system which is healthy and functional. Humans are wired to believe. Belief system shaken means life’s energy ebbs. Healing is an innate capacity of the body. Medicine is only one element in aiding the body. Faith in oneself, one’s doctor, faith in a transcendent being and prayer are some other variables that affect the healing. Since belief is not something easily measurable and tested, science tended to
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