Desire in John of the Cross
Desire, John of the Cross, union with God, illuminismAbstract
In religious circles at times desire is vilified and considered a stumbling block on the path towards perfection. However, John of the Cross speaks of the need of enkindling of desire, rather than its suppression. According to him through directing and purifying our desire we can attain remarkable experiences of a God who loves persons so much as to make them equals in love. John clearly and precisely demarcates dangers and hazards on the path of pursuing one’s desires. The path towards the ultimate union with God demands a progressive detachment and non-possessiveness of the ungodly. A holy desire is works like an internal propeller that helps the individual not to get stuck on the way towards perfection. A continuous purification of possessions is experienced as a dark night for the souls in progress. John’s reaction against attachment to visions and all extraordinary phenomenon of religious experience is explained not only by his temperament, but also by his context: illuminism.
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