Human Relationships and Boundaries
A Psycho-Spiritual Perspective
Human Relationships and Boundaries, Psycho-Spiritual Perspective, Relationship skillsAbstract
Most of our joy in life comes from our happy relationships with other people, and most of our problems in life come from unhappy relationships with them. The lack of relationship skills results in rejection, isolation and ultimately limited the quality of life. We pay great price with regard to Human Relationships, by not dealing with ourselves and by not taking up the difficult challenge of understanding ourselves and others as persons, as we are. Christian relationship maturity is an ability to pursue healthy intimacy and relationships and to live rationally. It is an aptitude to sustain intimate relationships that are honest, non-manipulative and non-judgmental; a capacity to love specific individuals, with their strengths and struggles, in our communities and the world at large, where we live and interact.
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