Positive Psycho-Educational Intervention (PPEI)
Motivation and Alleviation of Depressive Symptoms
Positive Psycho-Educational Intervention, Motivation, Depressive Symptoms, Psycho-education, PPEIAbstract
India with more than a billion residents has the second largest education system in the world. But it is alarming that the dropout problem is very pervasive in the Indian educational contexts. Many children who enter school are unable to complete their education and multiple factors are responsible for students dropping out of school. Therefore, this study is aimed to develop and assess the effectiveness of the positive psycho-educational intervention (PPEI) in enhancing student engagement, motivation and alleviation of depressive symptoms among the dropouts in West Bengal, India. A total of 68 dropout boys from urban areas were randomly assigned both in control and experimental groups. The statistical analysis between the pre-test and post-test scores of the experimental group showed significant difference (p=.000) and its post-test scores indicated significant increase in student engagement and motivation and significant decrease in the depressive symptoms. It indicates that the Psycho-education focused positive intervention Program (PPEI) was effective for the participants.
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