Positive Psychology in Formation
Positive Psychology, Formation, OptimismAbstract
The appeal of positive psychology is its optimism about the human condition. Whereas traditional psychology failed to see the joy of life, positive psychology wants to emphasize it without overlooking the fallen human condition. To be broken is no reason to see all things as broken. Formation was looked on as something negative we do to our psychological self and physical self in order to discipline it. As the result of that, formation has not been viewed as a positive experience. Our formation programs shall envision a time when our adolescents are valued for their major strengths. The fundamental value assumption of positive psychology is that the positive is good and wellbeing is a desired outcome. A positive attitude is the royal road to success not only in everyday life but also in self-realization, too. A change from the medical model of formation focusing on negative symptoms to positive potentials will create more adjusted, happy and more fully functioning persons.
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