The Divine Pedagogy of Formation XII - The Formee who Acclaims, “The Lord Saves”
Joshua, Roles of JoshuaAbstract
Joshua (the lord saves) was true to his name to the very end. He lived, moved and had his existence in the Lord he served diligently. From the perspective of formation he passed through two separate stages: first under the direction of Moses and then directly under Yahweh. Under Moses he had to play the roles of a warrior, aide, attendant, keeper of the Tent of Meeting, explorer, pacifier, distributer of the land and a co-singer. After being well groomed under the watchful eyes of his human master in the second half of his life Joshua began serving his Divine Master and started taking instructions directly from him. However he always kept in mind the fact that whatever success he achieved in his new ministry was granted to him by the mere grace and generosity of his Divine Master. There is nothing to be proud of. We are mere instruments in the divine hands; what is expected of us is to carry out our duties diligently and then raise our minds to the Lord in gratitude, love and praise for allotting us a role in his divine play.