Wealth and Discipleship
Wealth and Discipleship, Wealth, Discipleship, Detachment, RenunciationAbstract
Wealth and Discipleship were often considered incompatible. Discipleship necessitates and lays emphasis on taking stance in every sphere of life including social, political and economic. Denial of self and following of Jesus involve a renunciation of all attachments to material possessions. The essence of discipleship is self sacrifice. Therefore, a disciple’s attitude towards ealth and its ownership needs to be vigilantly monitored. In Lk 14:33 Jesus clearly says, “none of you can become my disciple if you do not give up all your possessions”. Detachment and renunciation are essential elements of discipleship. A genuine disciple of Jesus should be ever ready to make sacrifices to assist the underprivileged to ensure justice and bring institutions of power under better democratic control. God is for all and God created everything for all.
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