A Journey from Images of God to the Transcendent Mystery
Mysticism, Mystery, Transcendence, PersonalityAbstract
The popular notion of mysticism is that it is fascinating and mindboggling, and hence, not fit for ordinary mortals. We are from God, sustained through God, and directed by God to our destiny. Theologians and mystics view God in terms of mystery, and transcendence, thus Karl Barth said, God is an ultimate mystery and Karl Rahner referred theology as the science of mystery and Nicolai Berdyaev deemed God as an inexplicable mystery. God’s transcendence means that he is outside space and time. God’s transcendence and immanence are equally emphasized in the Bible. All metaphors and images, though helpful in the initial stages, they are not able to grasp fully the Supreme Being. First, God touches us in the mode of time and space images and finally as utter transcendence. Personal images and personal gods held a long time, can create conflict and confusion in humans, for they can become a mere idol carried in our own image, a projection of our own limited needs, fears, and desires. The imageless transcendent experience effects radical changes in the personality.
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