Communion in Community
A Vibrant Lifestyle of a Religious Family
Consecrated Life, Communion in the Church, Religious, Sense of belongingnessAbstract
“The root of the human being’s wretchedness is loneliness, it is the absence of love – is the fact that my existence is not embraced by a love that makes it necessary… What man needs is a communion that goes beyond everything and reaches deep into the heart of man” (Benedict XVI 2012). Consecrated Life is a sign of communion in the Church, says Vita Consecrata. God’s presence extends through history in a very real way through the communion of Consecrated Religious, and they are called to become channels of grace to the world. A very good proof of love is that you strive in household duties to relieve others of work, and also rejoice and praise the Lord very much when you see an increase in their communion through virtues, says St. Teresa of Avila. When the members of a community know well how to integrate prayer and humility, it leads not only to true communion but promotes a lifestyle that is truly vibrant, touched by the love of God and love of their neighbor. When the Superior uses such “soft skills” which will enhance genuine communion in the community, she will create an atmosphere of trust, a sense of belongingness and team spirit among the community members.
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